fall is in the skincare


Preparing to Winterize your Skin


I saw a funny meme on Facebook the other day that said “The temperature went from 90 to 55 like it saw a state trooper.” #facts


Fall is finally upon us!

Do you thrive in the cold weather, or prefer it 85 degrees and above (like me)?


What a fun summer! Many people were finally able to take vacations that had to be postponed for the past few years. This time of year, people tend to turn inward and get a bit more reflective. What about you? 


Have you taken a good look at your skin lately? Are you noticing any changes in oil production? Do you tend to get drier skin in the Winter time? It's time to start working on that now!


This time of year, we are looking to incorporate lots of hydrating ingredients into our routine, such as: beta-glucan, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and colloidal silver. You may also benefit from scaling back on exfoliation also! Do you own a humidifier? Now is the time to invest! I'll link my favorite below (plus a code to save some $$$)


SHOP CAREPOD: www.hellocarepod.com

Use code: CANADY15 at checkout for savings!

October is a fabulous month with tons of amazing produce in season! I'll list some below. Check out your local farmer's market before they close for the season!

  • Pears

  • Pumpkins (For cooking, look for sugar pumpkins and kabocha)

  • Apples

  • Figs

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Potatoes

  • Cabbage

  • Carrots

  • Cranberries (which are an amazing superfood, btw.)

Be sure to nurture your body from the inside out this upcoming season. You can fight off nasty infections in the colder months by feeding your body as many whole foods as possible. Decrease inflammation by means of your diet, and your body will do a much better job fighting off bugs and viruses!


Healing Skin From The Inside Out


all things retinol!