dmk paramedical skin revision

  • Remove is the first step of the DMK concept. In order to effectively make positive change within the skin, we must remove the dead skin cell buildup, impurities, and debris from the skin’s surface.

  • After removal, we must provide the skin cells with a healthy environment to thrive in. We rebuild by restoring the skin’s vital internal processes to optimal function. This enables the cells to stay alive longer and perform optimally for healthier, younger looking skin.

  • We must protect the skin from the sun, free radical damage, and other environmental aggressors that lead to premature aging, by using potent antioxidants.

    After removing cellular buildup and rebuilding the skin’s integrity, we must protect the freshly exposed skin cells. Upholding a healthy acid mantle is vital to maintain homeostasis.

  • Maintain is the most important step of the concept, because it’s going to be the part of the journey you are on the longest! Maintaining the results of revised skin are crucial to long-term skin health. We do this by means of maintenance treatments and updating home prescriptives as needed.

DMK believes that the origin of most skin conditions is a result of disharmony within the skin. DMK’s signature treatment, Enzyme Therapy aids in restoring harmony in the skin by stimulating the skin’s own natural enzymatic activity. Enzyme Therapy is the core element of the DMK Concept of Remove, Rebuild, Protect, Maintain.

Benefits of Enzyme Therapy:

  • Detoxifies the skin of all impurities to leave a glowing appearance

  • Stimulates the facial muscles to provide an instant lift to tired, sagging skin

  • Nourishes the skin by promoting a healthy blood supply to the skin

  • Firms, tones and tightens the skin for a more youthful appearance

  • Smooths out the appearance of scars and rough skin

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin

  • Provides an instant, natural face lift

  • Safe for use on all skin types

  • Assist in addressing any skin concern

  • Compliments other skin modalities to enhance results

  • The Initial DMK Enzyme

    The Foundation Of Healthy Skin, your Skin Revision journey will begin with the Initial DMK Enzyme appointment. Beginning with a mini consultation, this state-of-the art DMK signature treatment lifts, firms and tightens the skin, reversing the signs of aging, wrinkles and lines.

    Enzyme Therapy is DMK’s world renowned, signature skin revision treatment designed to rapidly restore the health and natural functioning of your skin cells enabling them to perform just as they did when they were younger. Enzyme Therapy aims to awaken the skin’s own enzymatic activity to restore lost functioning in the skin allowing it to return to its natural state.


  • DMK Enzyme Therapy Level II-IV

    Our more corrective and complex version of Signature Enzyme Therapy, the Higher levels combine multiple exfoliants to achieve fabulous results. Best for pre-conditioned or existing clients.

    This treatment addresses the surface, but also works beneath the skin to oxygenate and revise skin at a cellular level. We can truly begin to jump into those skin concerns that bother you on the surface here.


  • DMK Muscle Banding Therapy

    Muscle Banding is designed to prevent the onset of aging – it detoxifies skin tissue while strengthening and toning the facial muscles without the exercise. Muscle Banding restores the natural functioning and processes of the skin, preserves your looks by slowing down the aging process, strengthens, tightens, and tones the muscles of your face and neck to prevent sagging skin, decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    Muscle Banding is like lifting weights at the gym to strengthen and tone the muscles of the body. Lifting weights causes the muscles to contract which increases blood circulation and builds stronger, firmer muscle tissue.

    What this means for you is a tighter, firmer skin and a healthy glowing complexion without sagging jowls. Tighter skin also means that wrinkles, creases, or fine lines will be reduced leaving a smoother texture behind.


  • DMK Body Enzyme Therapy

    You don’t have to suffer any discomfort or from any unsightly or embarrassing skin condition on your body. DMK’s Body Enzyme treatment works to restore your skin back to health in the most natural way possible so that you can enjoy the benefits of smooth, glowing, healthy skin and feel confident about your body again.

    The DMK Body Enzyme Therapy Program Works for treating Stretch Marks, alleviating swollen tissue, water retention & edema, assists in the repair of sun damage, skin brightening, pigmentation & uneven skin tone, treating dry skin, poor circulation – encourages healthy blood flow, eliminating ingrown hairs, sagging skin – firms and tightens skin tissue, assists in reducing the appearance of cellulite, acne on the body, spider veins, assists in alleviating disorders such as Psoriasis, Eczema & Dermatitis.

    Body Enzyme Therapy can also be applied as an ongoing, regular all-over body skin fitness program to maintain a healthy, radiant glow.

    Starting at $250

  • DMK Scar Revision

    DMK are world leaders in non-surgical scar revision using the most advanced methods of painlessly resurfacing the skin without surgery or other invasive methods.

    By design, DMK’s scar revision treatment series encourages the skin to go into a repair phase that enables it to become even and smooth again. The treatment process for scarring, involves a combination of DMK’s unique treatments and special skincare formulations to give you the results you want.

    Starting at $1600

  • A-Lift® (Aesthetic Lift) Program

    Designed as an age management and prevention program that aides the lifting and tightening of the skin, A-Lift® is a 12-week program with treatments performed once a week, that aims to provide long-term and maintainable results. The DMK A-Lift® system works by stimulating the underlying structures of the skin, most similar to a “workout for the face” as it lifts. tightens, and tones the skin.

    The A-Lift® Program is the premier skin program as it assists in: exercising facial muscles, removing dead skin cells, encourages formation of new collagen and elastin, reducing unwanted dilated pores.

    DMK’s world-acclaimed anti-aging treatments and products are highly effective and deliver excellent results. Regain a youthful appearance in the most natural way possible without costly cosmetic surgery, fillers or injections.
